Imbued with the Power of the Wolf   Wolf’s Gravestone Replica

The Wolf’s Gravestone in Genshin Impact is a legendary claymore known for its imposing design and formidable strength. Its unique ability, “Wolfish Tracker,” boosts attack power when attacking foes with less than 30% HP. This 5-star weapon is a symbol of raw power, making it a top choice for melee-focused characters.


What’s it Made Of?

The Wolf’s Gravestone replica came to me from a client who purchased the raw 3D print on Etsy. My work included assembly, top coating, sanding, and custom painting the piece, which came in a box containing twenty-two individual pieces of printed FDM.

To start, I gave each piece an initial round of hand sanding with low grit sandpaper. The sword was then assembled using one inch PVC inner supports and Weld On 16 glue. To help further smooth the print lines, I applied a coat of XTC 3D, and further sanded the entire piece up to 400 grit. Additional filler primer was applied and sanded until I was satisfied with the FDM print line coverage. A final base coat of black enamel was applied, and then painting could begin in earnest.

The Wolf’s Gravestone replica required a fairly advanced “alternating” gradient up and down the blade, which I achieved by masking off the necessary areas and gradually adding airbrushed color layers until I was happy with the result. This version is the “second ascension phase” of the weapon, which also meant it had to appear to have an orange-yellow “glow” to portions of the pommel and blade as well. Once the gradient of color was complete, the silver, black, and solid orange sections were finished by hand using artists’ acrylics.

Complete, the Wolf’s Gravestone prop measures 6’ (1.82M) long, and weighs just about 6 pounds (2.72kg). I also finished an Aquila Favonia for the same client.

Sam of Dovah Design holding the Genshin Impact Wolf's Gravestone replica prop, standing in front of a black background and looking up at the blade of the sword.